April 16, 2009

Do You Ever Feel Like

Do you ever feel like?

Written by Ashley Parcell

Do you ever feel like,
you don't deserve to live?
Do you feel like you want to scream and shout?
Like life has nothing to give?

Do you ever feel like you are all alone?
Like no one has an idea how bad it can be?
Like you want to be dust and bones?
Your feelings are locked up without a key!

Do you think that no one cares?
Like you don't belong here?
Do you cry at night holding your teddy bear?
Do you hate to look at yourself in the mirror?

Do you think you're nothing more,
than gum on someone's shoe?
You hide your feelings in your inner core,
like you don't know what to do.

Do you want to die
or go away for a while?
Do you feel that life is one big lie?
Like it is a big, hungry, crocodile?

Do you want to release the pain,
that you hold inside?
Do you feel like you can't face tomorrow?
Do you want to commit suicide?

I feel this way,
like I want to die.
Like the pain will never go away,
and life is all a lie.

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